Tickets for ferries, ships, boats, hydrofoils

We can proceed on your behalf to issue tickets for hydrofoils, ships, boats, ferries, hydrofoils here in Russia. At present, the Rostock - St. Petersburg and Helsinki - St. Petersburg ferry routes have been suspended indefinitely.

If you are already in Russia and plan to take a boat tour in Moscow on the Moskva River, or plan a cruise on the Volga, we can offer you these and other routes on site.

If you are planning a trip to St. Petersburg, and want to spend an evening on a boat along the river canals during the White Nights period, we can provide you with one or more places, or even reserve one or more boats for your private use!

All prices are provided on request, and vary depending on the period and availability.
Feel free to write and call us
+7 922 1841362 whatsapp/telegram
Registered office in Russia
Maxelenatravel LLC - Ulitsa Turistskaya 2-2, Moscow

Company in Italy for tourism promotion
Italhouse Srls - Via Piraineto 44, 90044 Carini (PA)
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